The creative and spiritual journey of a (textile) recycler. . .

I have thought about starting a blog for a long time now. I just couldn’t seem to get started. I thought. . what would I say, what would I do and really . . . . . who would care.

Last year I had the great fortune to witness a ‘happening’. As a spouse at a reunion (I know, groan) I was both an observer and participant. This reunion was attended by some of the most creative and talented people on the face of the planet. Really, no exaggeration! But many were holding onto life long insecurities. They didn’t think they were talented enough and embarrassed to perform in front of each other for fear of . . who knows . . . finger pointing, whispers, laughter, ridicule of some sort for sure. Once it was revealed that many shared the same feelings, the healing began. And I was the lucky one. I got to witness it all and benefit as well.

So, the message is that we all think we are not good enough compared to someone else, but we are. Don’t let your fears and insecurities stop you. We can’t measure our own success by someone else’s talents.

This revelation and the kindness / support of strangers has propelled my creative journey to a place I had given up ever getting to. Tho I thought my creative juices were dried up forever, they have merely been reawakened. Many thanks to all involved in my process, including in-part . . Victoria B, Mrs. W., Charles Mc., Claudia H, Mary B, Cindy G, Sandy B, Traci B., Kat C, and my IAA family. So, thank you. I dedicate this blog to all of you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Koos - the King of Collage!

Koos Van Den Akker

This past Labor Day weekend, I had to fly to New York for a wedding. While in Manhattan what does a fabric addict do? Go to Mood . . . of course! (Mood is the fabric store the designtestants use on Project Runway). What an awesome place. . . 3 floors of nothing but color, texture and rolls of drapey goodness everywhere. As I walked through the door in awe, I ran smack into Koos van den Akker! We hugged, and talked a bit before going our separate ways.

I met Koos last September when I took a class from him and fitted his garments to models for a fashion show. If you ever have a chance to take a class with him, I highly recommend it. He is a wizard at mixing and matching patterns and has been doing it long before it was cool. . . in fact, Koos MADE it cool!

Watch this video of Koos describing the origin of the "Cosby sweaters" and his approach to design . . .

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