Today I was on my way home from running some errands and I was stopped in my tracks. I was in the car, but you know what I mean. The heavens opened up, I heard angels singing . . . well, it was really Marc Anthony . . but anyway . . there was a bright beam of light that drew my attention directly to something. It was by the side of the road and calling my name. I looked around to see if anyone was going to run over and burst my bubble. There wasn't a soul around. I could not believe my good fortune!
It was there, innocently waiting for the garbage collectors to come and grind it up and toss it in some landfill somewhere. Apparently the homeowner had dismantled a bench or some yard thing and just cavalierly tossed it by the road side. What was sitting with it was a huge pile of PVC tubes which were obviously part of the yard thingy. As much as I would have loved the yard thing, there was no way it would fit in my car and worse yet, how could I justify dragging it home. It would be like a beloved pet dragging home it's latest kill trophy. Nope, wasn't gonna happen. But, the pipes. Oh yah, they were all mine!
I know it seems silly to be so excited about some silly old and dirty pipes, but remember, I posted with great excitement about the piece of cardboard that a friend gave me. I still treasure it, too. So, this makes more sense now doesn't it. I have big plans for those pipes.
Can you guess what I'm going to do with them??
I can't guess. I just gave away a big bunch of pvc.